Fully Accredited Customs Agent

International Imports & Exports

Ensuring Smooth Customs Clearing

Client Satisfaction Guaranteed

Accredited Customs Clearing Brokerage Services

As a certified custom clearing agent, M6T provides hands-on customs clearing services that are designed to simplify the customs clearing process for all of our valued clients.

M6T handles all documentation requirements regarding your imports and exports, ensuring a smooth and streamlined customs clearing experience that you can rely on. Our team utilises their extensive industry knowledge and experience to help guide our clients through their customs clearing needs.

Our Customs Clearing Services Include

Tariff Determination

Permit Applications

Acquittals Management

Customs Clearance

Valuation Rulings

Customs Consulting

Rebate Clearances

Documentation Handling

Tonnes Transported
Satisfied Clients
Global Sites
Countries Worldwide

What Our Client’s Say About Us

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